

所属 経済学部 教養・基礎教育部門
学位 博士 (英語教授法)
専門 英語教育におけるグループダイナミクス
ジャンル 社会/教育・学校・語学
コメント 英語教育におけるグループダイナミクスの研究をしています。具体的には、英語の授業での小グループ内のリーダーが、そのグループに与える影響と効果についての研究です。
リサーチマップ https://researchmap.jp/ipl



  • その他, その他


  1. The language learning orientations scale and language learners’ motivation in Japan: A partial replication study
    Paul Leeming; Justin Harris
    Research Methods in Applied Linguistics  3  (1)  100096-100096  2024年4月 
  2. Willingness to Communicate, Speaking Self‐Efficacy, and Perceived Communicative Competence as Predictors of Second Language Spoken Task Production
    Paul Leeming; Joseph P. Vitta; Phil Hiver; Dillon Hicks; Stuart McLean; Christopher Nicklin
    Language Learning  2024年3月28日 
  3. Initial Development of a Second Language Discussion Task-Specific Self-Efficacy Instrument: An Illustration for Frontline Researchers
    Joseph P Vitta; Paul Leeming; Stuart McLean; Christopher Nicklin
    RELC Journal  2023年9月6日  [査読有り]



  1. Talking Point 2 , Harris, J; Leeming, P , ABAX , 2021年3月
  2. Talking Point 1 , Harris, J; Leeming, P , ABAX , 2021年3月
  3. On Task 3 , リーミング イアン ポール , ABAX , 2018年4月



  1. 〈Articles〉Student Views on Leadership within Small Groups in the Task-Based Language Classroom , Paul Leeming , 生駒経済論叢 = Ikoma Journal of Economics , 14 , 2 , 41 , 59 , 2016年11月30日
    概要:[Abstract] Research in general psychology has shown that when students work together in small groups, one student will often emerge as leader. This phenomenon, known as emergent leadership, has also been observed in the second language classroom. This paper reports on research that sought to determine students' views on the importance of leadership in the task-based language classroom. Students were randomly assigned to small groups that were fixed for an entire 14-week semester, and then in the following semester were allowed to self-select into groups. A task-based approach to language teaching was adopted, with students completing tasks in small groups. Following each semester, students were interviewed and asked about their experiences in their group. They were also asked for their views on the importance of group leaders within the foreign language classroom. Results show that students view leadership as important, and believe that leaders contribute strongly to the success of the group. The pedagogical implications of emergent leadership in small groups are considered.
  2. Student Views on Leadership within Small Groups in the Task-Based Language Classroom , Leeming Paul , 生駒経済論叢 , 14 , 2 , 147 , 165 , 2016年11月
  3. A Rasch Analysis of the Extraversion/Introversion Dimension of Personality , Leeming Paul , 生駒経済論叢 , 12 , 2 , 143 , 158 , 2014年11月
    概要:[Abstract] Researchers interested in individual differences have long sought to categorize personality and to develop a succinct model in order to achieve consistency within different academic fields. As a result of this, the Big Five-Model of Personality has emerged as the dominant model, describing personality in terms of five different traits. Various questionnaires have been developed to measure these traits and the International Personality Item Pool(IPIP)is a well-established and relatively concise example. The current study attempted to determine the reliability and dimensionality of the extraversion dimension of the IPIP by use of Rasch analysis to examine the results of 79 university students who completed the extraversion part of the IPIP measure. Results showed that generally the questions fit the Rasch model and support the unidmensionality of the extraversion dimension of the IPIP test.



  1. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), Researching elementary school English teacher efficacy , 近畿大学
  2. 日本学術振興会(科研費), TBLT and PPP approaches to reading in a foreign language: An eye tracking study.
  3. 日本学術振興会(科研費), Motivational change during university and its impact on growth in English proficiency