原子力研究所 スタッフ紹介

有友 嘉浩

有友 嘉浩(ありとも よしひろ)
学位 博士(理学)
専門分野 原子核理論
担当授業科目 原子核工学、原子エネルギー工学
研究テーマ 超重元素合成、融合分裂機構の解明
所属学会 日本物理学会、日本原子力学会
社会活動 理化学研究所RIBF理論推進会議
趣味・その他 バイク、スキューバダイビング





フレロフ原子核反応研究所(Research Associate),
フレロフ原子核反応研究所(Senior Research Scientist)



  1. Fission fragments mass distributions of nuclei populated by the multinucleon transfer channels of the 18O+232Th reaction R.Leguillon, K.Nishio, K.Hirose, H.Makii, I.Nishinaka, R.Orlandi, K.Tsukada, J.Smallcombe, S.Chiba, Y.Aritomo, T.Ohtsuki, R.Tatsuzawa, N.Takaki, N.Tamura, S.Goto, I.Tsekhanovich, C.M.Petrache, A.N.Andreyev, Physics Letters B761, 125-130 (2016)
  2. The transport coefficient of collective motion within the two-center shell model shape parameterization F.A. Ivanyuk, S. Chiba and Y. Aritomo Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53, 737-748 (2016)
  3. Independent fission yields studied based on Langevin equation Yoshihiro. Aritomo, Satoshi. Chiba, Katsuhisa. Nishio Progress in Nuclear Energy, 85, 568-572 (2015).
  4. The scission point configuration and the multiplicity of prompt neutrons F.A. Ivanyuk, S. Chiba and Y. Aritomo Physics Procedia 64, 28-33 (2015)
  5. Fission dynamics at low excitation energy Y. Aritomo, S. Chiba and F. Ivanyuk Phys. Rev. C 90, 054609 (2014)
  6. Scission-point configuration within the two-center shell model shape parameterization F.A. Ivanyuk, S. Chiba and Y. Aritomo Phys. Rev. C 90, 054607 (2014)
  7. Fission process of nuclei at low excitation energies with Langevin approach Y. Aritomo and S. Chiba Phys. Rev. C 88, 044614 (2013)
  8. Dynamical approach to heavy-ion induced fission using actinide target nuclei at energies around the Coulomb barrier Y. Aritomo, K. Hagino, K. Nishio, and S. Chiba Phys. Rev. C 85, 044614 (2012)
  9. Dynamical model of Surrogate reactions, Y. Aritomo, S. Chiba, and K. Nishio, Phys. Rev. C 84, 024602 (2011)
  10. Analysis of dynamical processes using the mass distribution of fission fragments in heavy-ion reactions, Y. Aritomo Phys. Rev. C80, 064604 (2009)
  11. Possibility of synthesizing a doubly magic superheavy nucleus, Y. Aritomo, Phys. Rev. C75, 024602 (2007).
  12. Fusion hindrance and roles of shell effects in superheavy mass region, Y. Aritomo, Nucl. Phys. A780, 222-246 (2006).
  13. Fluctuation-dissipation model for synthesis of superheavy elements, Y. Aritomo, T. Wada, M. Ohta and Y. Abe, Phys. Rev. C59, 796-809 (1999).
  14. Diffusion mechanism for synthesis of superheavy elements, Y. Aritomo, T. Wada, M. Ohta and Y. Abe, Phys. Rev. C55, R1011-R1014 (1997).


The second prize of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(2003年1月)
The Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Awarded.
日本原子力学会 核データ部会 学術賞(2012年9月)


原子力研究所 Kindai University Atomic Energy Research Institute
TEL (06)4307-3095
FAX (06)6721-3743(24時間受付)