4 Years in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Learning in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

From the basics to the specialized details, and then to a research project. The Faculty of Science and Engineering is four years of self-propelled growth for students.

1st Year

Fully grasp the basics that will form the foundation for studies in science and engineering.

Basic Seminar, Experiments and Practice, Basic Subjects

Students work with teachers and classmates to solve numerous problems through trial and error. Students begin performing and thinking about experiments and practice early on, preparing themselves for specialized research, and acquiring basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Students who have little past experience, or difficulty, with these subjects can visit the Study Support Office for help from specialized staff.



2nd Year

Choose the course that will make your future. Pursue deeper learning of specialized knowledge and skills.

Course Selection

In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, students choose courses when moving on to their second year. During the selection In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, students choose courses when moving on to their second year. During the selection process, they undergo orientation and can consult with instructors and upper-grade students in their fields of interest. (Note: Courses in some departments cannot be selected.)


3rd Year

Join a laboratory and discover your research theme.


In the second semester of the third year, students select a laboratory to join. There are 148 laboratories in the faculty, each with its own research themes. Students can attend briefings that will help them decide which laboratory is right for them. They can also get information from students already in the laboratories to help them make their selection. (Note: Laboratories in some departments cannot be selected.)


4th Year

A graduation research project is the culmination of learning in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Graduation Research Project

After joining a laboratory, students embark on their graduation research project. It's a busy yet fruitful period in which they come up with a problem, solve it, and present their findings. Students interact closely with graduate students and instructors as they pursue their interests through their research themes.
