
FUSE Masaaki

FUSE Masaaki
Professor/Senior Staff
Faculty Department of Business Administration / Graduate School of Commerce / Cyber Informatics Research Institute / DESIGN CREATIVITY LAB

Education and Career


  • Osaka University, School of Economics,
  • 大阪大学大学院, 経済学研究科,

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Economic statistics

Research Interests

サービスデザイン, 消費者行動, IT, 実証分析

Published Papers

  1. 防災コミュニティにおける専門家の役割―参加者アンケート調査より―
    布施 匡章; 西澤 雅道; 金 思穎
    地区防災計画学会誌  (27)  Aug. 2023  , Refereed
  2. 大学生の学業成績の規定因 ―パネルデータによる分析―
    佐々木 俊一郎, 山根 承子, マルデワ グレグ, 布施 匡章, 藤本 和則
    日本テスト学会誌  18  (1)  , 57-71, Jun. 2022  , Refereed
  3. 緊急事態宣言下でのリモートワーク実施と 業績評価・情報化との関係
    布施匡章; 椎葉淳
    商経学叢  68  (3)  , 245-255, Mar. 2022 


Books etc

  1. DX時代のサービスデザイン : 「意味」の力で新たなビジネスを作り出す , 廣田, 章光; 布施, 匡章; 井登, 友一; 瀬良, 兼司; 仙波, 真二; 宗平, 順己; 山縣, 正幸 , 丸善出版 , Mar. 2021
  2. ビジネスをデザインする , 足立辰雄; 布施匡章 , 第8章 ITを駆使して成果を上げる , 第8章 ITを駆使して成果を上げる , ミネルヴァ書房 , Mar. 2016


  1. Empirical Analysis using Smell and Images in Sake Experience Value:Measuring Emotional Values Using Service Design Methodology , FUSE Masaaki; OKUBO Ayaka , Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI , 2020 , 2F6GS1303 , 2F6GS1303 , 2020
    Summary:<p>In recent years, variation in values between individual people has given rise to growing business in the use of IT to provide services that are tailored to individuals. In designing business models which measure value on the basis of intangible rather than tangible things, there is a demand, even in manufacturing industries, for unravelling the various elements that make up this experiential value, and reconstructing them as services. Service design is an approach that makes this possible. It may be possible, for instance, to estimate the experiential value perceived by a customer, and factors behind that perception, by observing and measuring, and thereby visualizing and quantifying consumption behavior. In this paper, we seek to analyze how different factors, including smell and perception, influence the experience of drinking sake. We would be using a customer journey map, a typical service design tool, and the "sake tasting map" proposed by Fukushima (2013). Drinking tests were performed by collecting and analyzing survey responses from 89 participants of different ages, genders, and nationalities as they tried out sake. The results indicate that the timing at which one can best smell sake's fragrance and the perception of sake while drinking it influence the perceived value of its drinking experience.</p>
  2. データ活用と働き方改革の組織要因に関するパネルデータ分析 , 布施 匡章 , e-Kansaiレポート2019 , 50 , 58 , Jul. 2019
  3. データ活用と働き方改革の組織要因と課題 , 布施 匡章 , e-Kansaiレポート2018 , 38 , 45 , Jul. 2018


Awards & Honors

  1. Mar. 2016, 地区防災計画学会, 奨励賞
  2. May. 2010, 都市住宅学会, 論文賞

Research Grants & Projects

  1. 独立行政法人日本学術振興会, 平成29年度科学研究費助成事業, 異時点間の代替弾力性の推定と自動車消費に関する実証研究