

Associate Professor
Faculty Major in Psychology, Department of Applied Sociology / Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Human Studies

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Social psychology

Research Interests

再統合, 低自己統制, 集団過程, 少年犯罪, group process, juvenile delinquency with peers

Published Papers

  1. Why do certain youths identify a delinquent group? An intergroup perspective
    NAKAGAWA Tomohiro
    The Japanese Journal of Psychology  90  (3)  , 252-262, 2019  , Refereed
  2. Egoism in anger: Does justice sensitivity stir anger as feeling moral?
    Uehara Shunsuke; Nakagawa Tomohiro; Tamura Toru
  3. Anger at perceived moral violation: Situational determinant of moral outrage
    UEHARA Shunsuke; NAKAGAWA Tomohiro; KUNISA Yusuke; IWABUCHI Eri; TAMURA Toru; MORI Takemi
    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology  28  (3)  , 158-168, Mar. 2013 


Books etc

  1. 紛争・暴力・公正の心理学 , 大渕憲一 , 21章 非行集団と暴力犯罪 , 21章 非行集団と暴力犯罪 , 北大路書房 , Feb. 2016
  2. 嘘と欺瞞の心理学 対人関係から犯罪捜査まで 虚偽検出に関する真実 , 中川知宏 , 科学的内容分析 , 科学的内容分析 , 福村出版 , 2016
  3. 犯罪心理学事典 , 中川知宏 , 低自己統制理論,文化的逸脱理論,非行集団 , 低自己統制理論,文化的逸脱理論,非行集団 , 丸善出版 , 2016


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Contact experiences with babies raise the cognitive evaluation of babies. , 中谷 勝哉; 中川 知宏; 須藤康正 , 日本心理学会第76回大会 , Sep. 2012
  2. The role of intuitive versus rational processing in framing effect , 中川 知宏; 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部; 新潟中央短期大学幼児教育科 , European Congress of Psychology , 2011
  3. Effect of collective low self-control and strain on delinquency with peers , 中川 知宏; 東北大学文学研究科 , International Society for Criminology , 2011



  1. Interactional effect of subjective and objective strain in the general strain theory , 中川 知宏 , 近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University , 5 , 1 , 13 , 25 , Sep. 2016
    Summary:Agnew classified strain into objective and subjective dimension. This study examined the interactional effect of objective and subjective strain on delinquent behavior. A total of 113 university students (45 males, 66 females, and 2 unknowns) were asked to recall the time they were in high school. They were then rated on two scales: an objective strain scale composed of 26 items in which students were asked about negative events that occurred during their high school days, and a subjective strain scale, in which the degree of negative feelings they experienced as a result of these negative events (objective strain) was measured. Delinquent behavior scale consisted of the two subcomponents for delinquent behavior and problem behavior. The scale composed of 21 items based on an existing scale and two original items (smoking and truancy). Preliminary analysis identified 13 strain items that either objective or subjective strain significantly correlated with the delinquent behavior scale, which confirmed the predictive validity of our scales. Next, these 13 strain items were classified into the following four theoretical categories: removal of positively valued stimuli; presentation of negative stimuli; failure to achieve positively valued goals; and presentation of an unhealthy environment. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of objective and subjective strain on delinquent behavior. Result revealed interactional effect was not significant predict problem behaviors and delinquent behavior while objective strain except removal of positively valued stimuli significantly increase these behavior. Therefore, this finding suggests that objective and subjective strain do not appear to have an interactional effect on delinquent behavior.専攻: 犯罪心理学
  2. Effect of self―control on intent of deviant behavior : Aspects of trait and state self―control , 中川 知宏; 林 洋一郎 , 近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University , 4 , 1 , 85 , 94 , Aug. 2015
    Summary:(Abstract) Previous studies have demonstrated that self-control has trait and state aspects. The former assumes that self-control is stable over time, whereas the latter is changeable with the given situation. As trait and state aspects are not mutually exclusive, we examined the interaction effect of trait and state self-control on deviant behavior using a scenario method. We provided 46 participants (20 men and 26 women) with six scenarios depicting a conflict situation and asked them whether or not they would commit deviant behavior. Then, participants described the cost and severity of committing deviant behavior (situational self-control), and rated their intent to commit deviant behavior. We also asked them to rate their perceived degree of trait self-control. We conducted a hierarchical multiple regression analysis on intent to commit deviant behavior. The results revealed that trait and situational self-control were related with intent to commit deviant behaviors but we did not find a significant interaction effect. Furthermore, we also found an interaction effect between a subcomponent of trait (anger) and situational self-control by conducting additional analysis. These results implied that our hypothesis was partially supported.専攻: 犯罪心理学
  3. Moral outrage and personal anger : The moderating effects of perception of financial entitativity , 上原 俊介; 手島 啓文; 田村 達; 中川 知宏 , 文化 = Culture , 79 , 1 , 117 , 107 , 2015


Awards & Honors

  1. 2006, Research Foundation for Safe Society (General research grant)

Research Grants & Projects

  1. 科学研究費補助金, なぜ、非行集団に同一化するのか:集団内関係と集団間関係の統合モデルの構築
  2. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Why do certain youths join a delinquent group? Constructing an integrated model of intergroup and intragroup perspective.
  3. 社会安全研究財団(一般研究助成A), 集団同一化と集団志向性が集団非行に及ぼす効果:集団構造による差異の検討