

Associate Professor
Faculty Department of Science / Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Education and Career

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2009 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Science and Engineering 准教授
  • Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2009 , Kindai University 理工学部理学科 講師

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Natural sciences, Basic analysis
  • Natural sciences, Geometry

Research Interests

D-加群, 孤立特異点, 代数的局所コホモロジー, 計算代数解析, ホロノミック系, b-関数, 代数的局所コホモロジー類, グロタンディック双対性, Milnor algebra, スタンダード基底, 超幾何微分方程式, グレブナー基底, 多重ゼータ値, 特異摂動, 変わり点, スペクトル分解, 複素解析幾何

Published Papers

  1. Generating function of multiple polylog of Hurwitz type
    Kentaro Ihara; Yusuke Kusunoki; Yayoi Nakamura; Hitomi Saeki
    Canadian J. Math.  76  (1)  , 1-17, Feb. 2024  , Refereed
  2. Evaluation of functional relation formula for the Clausen and Glaisher functions and multiple L-values
    Yayoi NAKAMURA; Yoshitaka SASAKI
    Lithuanian Mathematical Journal  63  (3)  , 382-395, Sep. 2023  , Refereed
  3. An interpolation function of multiple harmonic sum
    Yusuke Kusunoki; Yayoi Nakamura
    Research in Number Theory  8  (4)  Nov. 2022  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. 線形代数学30講 改訂増補版 , 井原, 健太郎; 鄭, 仁大; 中村, 弥生 (数学); 松井, 優 , 培風館 , Mar. 2023
  2. 微分積分学30講 改訂増補版 , 井原, 健太郎; 鄭, 仁大; 中村, 弥生 (数学); 松井, 優 , 培風館 , Mar. 2023
  3. 微分積分学30講 , 青木, 貴史; 大野, 泰生; 佐久間, 一浩; 中村, 弥生 (数学) , 培風館 , Feb. 2013


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. A residue calculus for few variants of MZV , 中村弥生 , RIMS研究集会 Zeta functions and their representations , 7, Mar. 2023
  2. An interpolation function of truncated multiple zeta values , 中村弥生 , RIMS研究集会 多重ゼータ値の諸相 , 22, Nov. 2019
  3. 多重ポリログ関数の解析接続の明示式について , Yayoi NAKAMURA , 名古屋大学大学院多元数理研究科解析数論セミナー , Apr. 2018



  1. A residue calculus for few variants of MZV , 中村弥生 , 数理解析研究所講究録 , 2267 , Nov. 2023
  2. 複素関数論の中の実関数 , 中村弥生 , 大学数学の質問箱2 , 47 , 51 , Jul. 2021
  3. Some properties of interpolation function of truncated multiple zeta value , 中村弥生 , 数理解析研究所講究録 , 2160 , 254 , 265 , Jun. 2020


Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exact WKB analysis of parametric Stokes phenomena , Kindai University
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Algebraic analysis of parametric Stokes phenomena , Kindai University
  3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Residue theory on singular varieties and its applications , Hokkaido University