
ODA Fumihito

ODA Fumihito
Faculty Department of Science / Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Education and Career


  • 1986/04 - 1990/03 , Hokkaido University of Education,
  • 1990/04 - 1992/03 , Graduate school, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science,
  • 1992/04 - 1997/09 , Kumamoto University, Graduate School of Science and Technology,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2019 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Science and Technology Professor
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2019 , Kindai University Faculty of Science and Technology Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2013 , Yamagata university Faculty of Sciences Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2013 , Yamagata University Faculty of Science 准教授
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009 , Toyama National College of Maritime Technology 一般教養学科 Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2008 , Toyama National College of Technology 一般科目 Associate Professor
  • Oct. 1997 - Mar. 2000 , 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (PD) (北海道大学)
  • Nov. 1997 - Sep. 1998 , ミネソタ州立大学 数学教室 research associate
  • Apr. 1997 - Sep. 1997 , 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (DC) (熊本大学)

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Natural sciences, Algebra

Research Interests

orthogonal unit, groupoid, locally finite category, abstract Burnside ring, Yoshida algebra, double Burnside ring, 2-functor, 2-category, Mackey 2-motive, Mackey 2-functor, unit group, 有限群, バーンサイド環, マッキー関手, 丹原関手, カテゴリー, マッキー代数, 表現論, crossed Burnside ring, Green functor

Published Papers

  1. Lattice Burnside rings
    Fumihito Oda; Yugen Takegahara; Tomoyuki Yoshida
    Algebra universalis  81  (4)  Nov. 2020  , Refereed
  2. The unit group of a partial Burnside ring of a reducible Coxeter group of type A
    Fumihito Oda; Masahiro Wakatake
    Hokkaido Mathematical Journal  48  (2)  , 345-356, Jul. 2019  , Refereed
  3. Categorical constructions related to finite groups
    Sugaku Expositions  32  (1)  , 57-86, Jun. 2019  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. 群論入門・講義と演習 , 和田倶幸; 小田文仁 , 培風館 , 8, Apr. 2022


  1. Cohomological Mackey 2-motives , Fumihito Oda , Kyoto University RIMS Kôkyûroku , 2253 , 47 , 55 , May. 2023
  2. Crossed Burnside rings and cohomological Mackey 2-motives , Fumihito Oda , Kyoto University RIMS Kôkyûroku , 2252 , 45 , 54 , May. 2023
  3. Crossed Burnside rings and cohomological Mackey $2$-motives , Fumihito Oda; Yugen Takegahara; Tomoyuki Yoshida , 13, Jan. 2022
    Summary:Balmer and Dell'Ambrogio introduced the pseudo-functor $P$ from the bicategory of $k$-linear Mackey $2$-motives to the bicategory of $k$-linear cohomological Mackey $2$-motives over a commutative ring $k$. They showed that $P$ maps the general Mackey $2$-motives to the cohomological Mackey $2$-motives by using the ring homomorphism from the crossed Burnside ring of a finite group $G$ over $k$ to the center $ ZkG$ of group algebra $kG$ ([BD21, Theorem 5.3]). We study the behavior of motivic decomposition of cohomological Mackey $2$-motives as images by $P$ of motivic decomposition of Mackey $2$-motives.


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 文部科学省, 科学研究費 基盤研究(C), 有限群の表現の圏論的研究
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, On the homotopy properties of the Quillen complex of a symmetric group , Dokkyo Medical University
  3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Categorical study of representation theory of finite groups and algebras , Kinki University