Susami Branch, Shirahama Station, Aquaculture Research Institute
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Susami Branch, Shirahama Station, Aquaculture Research Institute

Susami Branch, Shirahama Station, Aquaculture Research Institute

Supply base for fish farm eggs

Susami Branch, Shirahama Station, Aquaculture Research Institute

Opened in 1986, the Susami Branch, Shirahama Station, Aquaculture Research Institute produces large quantities of fish fry of various species for farm-raising, given the ideal location where the seawater is clean since no hatcheries are located in the area. The laboratory has several large capacity tanks for collecting eggs is fulfilling its role as a supply base for fish-farm eggs.

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Adress 4578-1, Susami, Nishimuro, Wakayama 649-2621
TEL 0739-55-4101
FAX 0739-55-4102
Acsess From JR Tennoji Station, take the limited express to JR Susami Station, from which the laboratory is 15 minutes walk away.