

所属 国際学部 国際学科 グローバル専攻
学位 Master of Arts
専門 国際関係、国際異文化
ジャンル 国際情勢/国際社会
コメント 世界の経済と文化の一体化で国際社会が直面している問題を研究しています。特に国際関係と国際発展論などの理論、分析、現実の問題についてです。又、英語コミュニケーションも研究しています。
リサーチマップ https://researchmap.jp/ramirez


In the early 1990’s, I spent two semesters in an Asian Studies program at a Japanese university as an exchange student while completing my Master’s degree in International Affairs (NPSIA, Carleton University, Ottawa). Through this experience, I began my long fascination and endearment towards Japan. I started my teaching career in the field of English education and intercultural communications hoping to help Japanese students better understand and communicate with the people of other countries and cultures. More recently, I have returned to my original focus of research - the fields of International Relations, International Development and Globalization issues. We now live in an interdependent world. Events that take place in one part of the world will inevitably impact on the rest of us one way or another. It is therefore clearly in our own self-interest to be aware of the news, actions and developments happening elsewhere. In my classes, I raise this awareness among the students so that they are ready to both manage and benefit from international news.


You have all made a brave and courageous decision to spend one year of your lives abroad in places you have never been and with people you have never met. I encourage you to make the most of this opportunity. You will need to bring back the knowledge and wisdom you have learned abroad to improve not only yourselves but the organizations and communities you will work and live in upon your return. This period abroad will be one full of opportunities, rewards and challenges. It is an experience you will cherish for the rest of your lives. Please embrace it and motivate yourselves to reach your maximum potential. It is my hope that during your 4 years of studies at Kindai you will learn not only about the world beyond Japan’s borders but, more importantly, about the world that lies within each of us.




The world today may seem like a complicated place - and, indeed it is! So, it is important to never lose sight of our ability as humans to think reasonably and compassionately. I ask students to set aside their emotionally based preconceptions and assumptions to look at world issues with clarity, impartiality and logic. The main theme and content of the classes will be the examination of the political power structures that drive globalization and the world economy. The main aim will be to research, understand and discuss the policies, objectives and underlying ideologies of a variety of global actors that lead either to common ground, stability and peace with others or to a situation of conflict and war.



  • 1991年9月 - 1994年6月
    カナダ公立 カールトン大学大学院 (M.A.) 国際関係学部
  • 1992年9月 - 1993年5月
    関西外国語大学 交換留学
  • 1985年1月 - 1989年6月
    カナダ公立 ヨーク大学 総合社会学部 (B.A.)


  • 2016年4月 - 現在
    近畿大学 国際学部 准教授
  • 2010年4月 - 2016年3月
    近畿大学 総合社会学部 専任講師
  • 1998年4月 - 2010年3月
    近畿大学 文芸学部 非常勤講師
  • 1994年10月
    大阪大学 全学教育推進機構 非常勤講師



  • 人文・社会, 国際関係論


  1. Japan’s Kishida Fails to Learn Abe’s Political Lessons

    The Diplomat  2023年2月 
  2. Why Some in Japan Are Still Unsettled About a Biden Administration

    The Diplomat  2021年1月20日  [査読有り]
  3. The Incremental Revolutionary: Japan after 8 Years of Shinzo Abe

    E - International Relations  2020年9月21日  [査読有り]



  1. Comparative Development Policy: Latin America in the Context of the East Asian Experience , ラミレズ カルロス , University of Valencia , 2024年2月8日
  2. Intellectual Bias in History: The Case of Agriculture in Developing Countries , ラミレズ カルロス , Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Czech Technical University, Prague , 2019年8月9日
  3. Getting to the Point: Making Academic and Research Presentations , ラミレズ カルロス , Advanced Nuclear Reactor Experiment 2017・近畿大学 , 2017年11月